阀门清洗剂 KW2001是一款应用方便,专为油田阀门清洗设计定制的清洗产品, 能快速去除油脂, 铁锈和 聚集的污垢。 阀门清洗剂 KW2000 由溶剂, 合成基础油, 分散剂组成的, 阀门清洗剂 KW2001 能快速去除阀门内许多沉积物,这些多余的沉积物存在会导致使阀难以操作,以致导致设备故障。
KW-2001 Valve abluent is an easy-to-use cleaning product specially designed and customized for oilfield valve cleaning. It can quickly remove grease, rust and accumulated dirt. KW-2001 Valve abluent is composed of solvent, synthetic base oil, and dispersant. KW-2001 Valve abluent can quickly remove many deposits in the valve. The presence of these excess deposits will make the valve difficult to operate, leading to equipment failure.
产品应用 Application
阀门清洗剂 K W 2 0 0 1 应适用于因压裂砂、固体油泥导致卡死阀门的清洗、润滑及功能恢复。
KW-2001 Valve abluent should be suitable for cleaning, lubrication and functional restoration of valves stuck due to fracturing sand and solid sludge.
产品特点 Feature
高 效快速清洗效果 Efficient and fast cleaning effect
有效防腐蚀特性 Effective anti-corrosion properties
含有分散剂和去脂剂 Contains dispersants and degreasing agents
可靠的生物降解 Reliable biodegradation
优异的极压抗磨性 Excellent extreme pressure and wear resistance
高性能溶解和清洗效果。High performance dissolving and cleaning effects.
典型物理特性Typical physical properties
基础油base Oil
液体 Liquid
黑色 Black
合成基础油 Synthetic base oil
填料Filler 二硫化钼粉 Molybdenum disulfide powder