Main Feature:
API 676 Standard
▶ 可实现液、气、固体的多相混输;
Faultless multi-phase delivery of liquid, gas and solid;
▶ 具有自吸能力: 吸程可达8m;
Self suction: Suction is up to 8 meters;
▶ 泵内流体流动时容积不发生变化,没有湍流、搅动和脉动;
Volume of moving fluid is constant, no torrent, stir and pulse;
▶ 弹性定子形成的容积腔能有效地降低输送含固体颗粒介质时的磨耗;
High wear resistance when deliver the high solid content through the elastic stator chamber.
▶ 可输送高粘度、高含固率介质;输送介质粘度可达100000CP,含固量可达60%;
It can deliver the fluid with high viscosity and high solid content: the max viscosity is up to 100000CP, the solid content is up to 60%;
▶ 流量和转速成正比,借助调速器可实现流量的自动调节;
The flow is directly proportional to the speed of rotation, the flow can be automatically adjusted by speed regulator;
▶ 恒压控制,防干运行保护;
Constant pressure control and dry running protection.
▶ 无阀系统--泵本身具有止回阀的作用;
Valveless system - pump has non-return valve function;
▶ 可以反转;
▶ 可灵活应用于各个行业;
Versatile use in all industries;