防爆温控器与电伴热带配套使用后,可以控制管线温度,且可以调整温度设定值。Applied with heating cable, temperature controller can adjust temperature in response to practical need.
1产品结构 Structure
防爆温控器 Temperature Controller
2产品型号 Catalog Number
Maximum temperature: 120℃-150℃-200℃
Explosion-proof temperature controller
3主要技术指标 Technical Parameters(表11)
型号 Catalog number | 防爆等级 Explosion-proof level | 工作电压 Working voltage | 工作电流 Working current | 控温精度 Temperature control precision | 绝缘电阻 Insulation resistance | 电气强度 Dielectric strength | 防护等级 Protection level |
FWK120/200 | ExedⅡBT4 | 380V/220V | ≤15A | ±2.5℃ | ≥60MΩ | 2000V/min | IP54 |
ø FWK120:控温范围Temperature control range(0~120℃)
ø FWK200:控温范围Temperature control range(50~200℃)
4单相温控器装方法 Installation
Ø 相线接A,零线接N;
connecting phase line to A, neutral line to N
Ø a和n用导线接到电源接线盒中,与电热带相接;
a terminal and n terminal are connected to heating cable
Ø 温控器的探头接到管路上,用铝胶带贴在管道上;
attaching the temperature probe to the surface of the pipe with aluminum adhesive tape
Ø 温控器旋钮调到您所需要维持的温度上。
adjust the button to the number of practical temperature
5产品使用与维护 Application and Maintenance
Ø 打开接线盒盖,拧下接线嘴,将进线和出线电缆穿过各自的接线口,上紧接线盒盖。
Open the cover of the kit, screw off the connection terminal; insert the line through each terminal.
Ø 按接线腔内的接线图接好电缆,拧紧接线嘴,上紧接线盒盖。
Connect the lines as the diagram, tighten the terminal, and then tighten the cover with screws.
Ø 打开温度调接盒外盖,将温度调整到所需控制温度处,然后拧紧外盖。
Adjust the temperature according to the practice need.
Ø 用卡箍将温控器底座固定在适当位置,并将温控探头紧贴在被测试温度的部位。
Install the temperature controller at the proper position; attach the probe closely to the vessel.
Ø 将引出线接到电源盒腔内,与腔内电伴热带相接,温控器进线接入电源,检查无误后即可送电工作。
Connect the leading-out line with heating cable, connect the temperature controller to the power. Check the connection, and then turn on the power to operate.
Ø 温控探头只能水平或竖直装,否则会出现温度不稳定现象。
Keep the probe vertical or horizontal, or temperature will be unstable.
Ø 接线盒如有变形,裂痕和损坏,应停止使用,更换新接线盒。
If the kit was deformed, chapped, please change a new one.