铝胶带Aluminum Adhesive Tape
Aluminum is mainly used for fixing the heating cable, temperature controller, sensor or flexible heating panel. In addition to fixing the instrument, it is mainly used for fixing electric heating cable and temperature sensor, expanding heat conducting area and enhancing heat transmitting effect. Specification: 50m×50mm×0.05mm
铝胶带aluminum adhesive tape 图38
正确使用铝胶带是体现电伴热产品优越性的重要一环。Correctly use the aluminum adhesive tape is an important part in heat tracing installation.
注:考虑到安装损耗,铝胶带的长度一般为所购电伴热带长度的1.2倍,以满足安装需要。Notice: Considering the spare consumption, we recommend that the length of the aluminum tape should be 1.2 times of the heating cable.
耐热压敏胶带Heat-resistance Pressure-sensitive Adhesive Tape
This adhesive tape is a kind of glass fiber with special adhesive. After the electric heating cable is installed with aluminum adhesive tape, the tape is used radially along the pipe to fix cable tightly in every 0.8m interval. Specification: 20m×20mm×0.1mm
耐热压敏胶带Heat-resistance pressure-sensitive adhesive tape 图39
Ø 耐候性和耐热性(-40~200℃)优越
superior weather-resistance and heat-resistance
Ø 耐油性、耐溶剂、耐水性优越
excellent oil, solvent and water resistance
Ø 性能稳定、不易变色、与基材密着性好
stable performance, no discoloration, closely attach to the surface
Ø 聚合物凝聚力高,适合耐久性要求高的产品
polymer has strong cohesive force, suitable for the products need long performance
喉卡Pipe Clamp
Pipe clamp is made of stainless steel belt to fix accessories of heating cable and cut to length.
喉卡规格: 宽:12.5mm, 厚:0.5mm
Specification: width thickness
Ø 取钢带一段,长度略比管径加电源接线盒底座(或温控器底座)长一点
the length should be longer than the length of tube diameter and the base of power connection kit (temperature controller)
Ø 将钢带扣在管道和底座上
clasp the base with the pipe
Ø 用起子旋螺丝,直到把卡箍收紧,将电源接线盒紧箍在管道上
tighten the clamp
警示牌Warning Label
用于贴在电伴热管道或罐上,指明电伴热电缆或者电源点所在位置,防止因误施工而造成不必要的损害。Warning label is put at visible places of heating pipe o to clearly show the location of the cable or power supply and avoid unnecessary damage during the mounting.