该设备适应内河船舶具有船舶机舱布置布置空间小、不能连续供电等特点限制,本公司联合多家高等院校,共同开发出新一代适用于内河船舶营运环境的JSDJ (B )型船用生活污水处理装置。装置采用厌氧+生物接触氧化法+电絮疑法+MBR法+紫外线消毒技术的复合处理工艺来处理内河船舶厕所黑水,目前产品已通过权威部门认可,排放水质远优于IMO.MEPC. 159(55)和GB10833- -89排放指标的要求。
Compared to the ocean ship,the inland river ship has he characteristics of small space, can not be continuouspower supply and other characteristics, our company and Harbin Engineering University,developed a new generationof SWCM (N) type marine sewage treatment plant.Device adopts wih anaerobic, biological contactoxidation, electricflocculation MBR . UV disinfection technology of the composite process to deal with the Inland Ship toiletBlackwater, Theindex of treated water is much better than requirements of tle IMO.MEPC.159 (55) and GB 10833-89, and areapprovedby Jiangsu Provincial maritime bureau.